About Us

Amanda Jalland

Person Centred Counsellor


My background

I haven’t always been a counsellor, my background was in business development which has given me a wealth of experience of different professions and industries but above all, experience of interacting with people from all walks of life.

As well as running a busy private practise I volunteer at an amazing charity that offers counselling to vulnerable women and girls who have experienced abuse both sexually and physically, giving me extensive experience in working with historic trauma with clients of all ages. I also have extensive experience working with addiction, both one to one and in a group setting.

Outside of my therapy role I keep myself grounded with my dog and horse and stay connected with nature on the family farm.

What I Offer

I offer counselling for all your emotional and mental health wellbeing concerns including:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Trauma

  • Addiction

  • PTSD

  • Historic Trauma

I believe that being able to offer you, the client, a choice of different ways to access counselling is important.

I offer room-based, in-person sessions from a beautiful therapy room, we also offer Zoom and phone counselling and the latest addition to our practice is ‘Walking and Talking Therapy’

As I believe that the relationship between the counsellor and client is fundamental I also offer a free consultation online or over the phone to make sure we are a good match and you can decide where and how you would like to receive your counselling